HTML NEWS - Riley Kim

What is HTML NEWS?

HTML NEWS is the best news source in the world, bar none. No other news source is even half as good as HTML NEWS. If any other news source claims otherwise, they're lying and deserve the death penalty.

HTML NEWS Articles

Here you will find links to our hard hitting articles:
Giant Bird Attack: BREAKING NEWS from LA, a giant bird has damaged much of Downtown LA, leaving countless dead and homeless. For more information follow the link.

Links to Articles from Inferior News Sites

While we here at HTML NEWS are objectively the greatest news site in the universe, that doesn't mean we're unwilling to be charitable and link to other inferior news sites. Bask in our kindness:
Airbnb Enforcement System - La Times - Emily Alpert Reyes: An article from the LA Times on a joint effort between the city of Los Angeles and Airbnb to help with enforcing rental rules.